Monday, July 26, 2010

Kit for the bike

It was annoying to have the garmin mobile on my Nokia N79 feeding directions through from my pocket. The aftermarket variety of GPS mounts are very pricey so a trip down to builders warehouse was needed. A 15mm rubberised clamp and some screws along with a punched metal plate taxed me R90 and was adapted to serve as a GPS holder. That's R700 saved!! As for the pannier (side) would think that they made of Platinum!! R8000 for a set of branded aluminium boxes just sounded crazy.. After a childhood of Mcguyver episodes one tend to balance budget, resources and ingenuity..along the trip to builders warehouse in the electrics isle, i found this metal electric box that could be adapted to the purpose..and for R500!! For two!! IL have to dust off that welding machine, compressor and goggles..

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